Mohammad Farzad Mirzaei Ghaleh, the General Director of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Commercial-Industrial and Special Economic Free Zones announced the holding of specialized tourism courses in free zones, with the aim of training specialized human resources.
According to the public relations and international affairs department of Arvand Free Zone Organization, Mirzaei Ghaleh considered the development of specialized human resources as one of the most important issues in the field of tourism and added: With the plans made, it was decided to hold specialized training courses for tourism activists and enthusiasts at the level of free zones, and Arvand Free Zone became a pioneer in this direction.
Emphasizing that tourism is considered one of the most important pillars of the development of the country’s free zones, he said: Education is one of the main and key foundations of the sustainability of tourism, which we are trying to hold specialized and practical courses while cultivating specialized human resources. The service of tourism facilities in free zones should be better than before.
The General Director of Tourism and Cultural Heritage finally stated: Tourism management, cultural heritage and handicrafts of Arvand Free Zone Organization as the first organizer of specialized courses is planned to be held on the 23rd and 24th of August in Supervision courses in the hotel housekeeping unit for supervisors and hotel floor attendants; and take the first step in empowering the human resources working in the field of tourism.
Human resource development is one of the pillars of the tourism field, the free zones general director of tourism says