Deputy Minister for Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare said: Inspectors of Ministry for Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare perform their duties in free and special economic zones like in other regions.
According to AFZ’s public relations and international affairs report, Dr. Ali Hossein Raitifard, Deputy for Labor Relations of Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare, during his trip to AFZ, announced decrees of managers of labor and employment of AFZ and Bandar Imam Khomeini Special Economic Zone.
Based on these rulings, “Mahbobeh Al-Ali” was appointed as a manager from Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare, and “Faramarz Norouzi” as the manager of labor and employment services of Bandar Imam Khomeini Special Economic Zone.
Dr. Raitifard said: In the 13th government, there is an agreement between this ministry and the secretariat of Supreme Council of Free and Special Economic Zones. He praised the efforts of Secretariat of Council of Free and Special Economic Free Zones in achieving the main goals and to restore their main position and said: The Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare is responsible for the preservation and protection of rights of worker and employer and plays the role of regulating labor relations.
He said: There are more than 15 million and 500 thousand workers covered by the labor law in the country. Workers are one of the main pillars of our country, so we must take steps to prevent the abuse of their rights. By choosing managers with experience at the country level, special attention will be given to complying with the 51 articles of the employment law in free zones and 203 articles of this law in mainland. In the free and special economic zones, the inspectors of this Ministry perform their duties like in other regions.
He said: In the future, we are trying to solve the disputes related to work and solve its problems with gathering of free zones. In order to create individual justice, we are looking to dismantle monopoly and rent, and for this purpose, we have proposed to hold various tests in cooperation with Sanjesh Organization. Strikes and filing cases due to differences between workers and employers have decreased by 14% in the last year, and in job classification plan, we are also seeking to achieve individual justice, in such a way that the difference between a simple worker and a skilled worker should be defined. And until the end of this government, more than 15 thousand people will be included in the job classification plan.
There is a constructive interaction between Ministry of Cooperation and Secretariat of Supreme Council of Free Zones