In order to carry out joint development-oriented activities with the neighboring economic zone, an MOU was signed between the AFZ’s CEO and CEO of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone.
According to AFZ’s public relations and international affairs report, the “Iranplast” plastic industry supply exhibition is being held in Tehran with the presence of Arvand companies in field of chemical and plastic products. AFZ and Mahshahr Petrochemical Special Economic Zone signed an MOU to develop bilateral cooperation and improve regional interactions and optimal use of facilities in order to achieve common goals.
According to this MOU, several axes of cooperation were signed, and it was decided that both parties should take advantage of the legal capacities to promote and benefit the other party due to the existence of common infrastructures. Also, it is decided that both parties use the other party’s equipment and facilities to advance their common goals.
Joint cooperation in introducing and explaining the two party’s capacities and benefits to attract, facilitate and investment applicants and in holding national and international conferences and exhibitions in the field of oil, gas and petrochemical are other topics of this MOU.
AFZ and Mahshahr Petrochemical Special Economic Zone are committed to mutual benefit in the field of information exchange and educational-research and research facilities. Also, a joint working group will be formed and meetings will be held at regular intervals, which will guarantee this MOU.
The “Iran Plast” plastic products exhibition will be held in Tehran International Exhibition from 17TH to 20TH of September, with the presence of AFZ’s active companies.
The signing of MOU between AFZ and Mahshahr Petrochemical Economic Zone