The message of CEO of Arvand Free Zone Organization on the occasion of Student’s Day

According to the public relations and international affairs department of AFZ Organization, the chairman of the board of directors and the CEO of AFZ Organization issued a message on the occasion of Student’s Day.
The text of Mohammad Reza Eskandari’s message is as follows:
In the name of God
Student’s Day is an opportunity to honor the position and dignity of students who have always played an active and effective role in the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its progress. In the current sensitive situation, when our dear country needs unity and empathy, it is expected that they will put the spread of Jihad Tabayin in the field in the forefront of their thoughts and actions and make their determination to follow the instructions of the Supreme Leader (may God bless him and grant him peace). and according to His Highness’s emphasis on the production of science and software movement, for the future of Iran, by creating an Iranian-Islamic model, show the country’s progress in a tangible way. I commemorate the month of Azar 16 as a symbol of the freedom and anti-arrogance of Iranian Muslim students, and I ask the Almighty God for your increasing success in all personal and social affairs, especially in various fields, including scientific, research, cultural and social.

Mohammad Reza Eskandari
Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Arvand Free Zone Organization