Congratulatory message from Deputy of Investment and Business Development of AFZ Organization on the occasion of Labor Day

Ali Khani, a member of the board of director and deputy of investment of Arvand Free Zone Organization, in a message, congratulated the labors working in this field on the arrival of Labor Day. The text of message is as follows:
in the name of God
Labor Day is an opportunity to commemorate the services of honorable workers in this field who, in the face of tough sanctions and economic war, spare no effort for the development and progress of our beloved homeland.
In expressing the dignity and position of labor and workers in our Islamic system and society, it is enough that the great wheel of the economy is moving and rotating with the capable hand of the workers.
Diligent and compassionate workers of Abadan and Khorramshahr as working capital; are the strong arms of AFZ Trade and Economic Organization.
I hope that in this year, as the Supreme Leader called it the year of “knowledge-based job-creating production”; let us be sympathetic and united in achieving this national slogan with unceasing and round-the-clock efforts.
While congratulating this day, I ask God Almighty for the pride and health of all different strata, especially the working class.

Ali Khani
Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy of Investment and Business Development of Arvand Free Zone Organization