1- Rapid, easy and cheap access to regional and global markets through road, rail, air and marine transportation.
2- Cheap energy
3- Infrastructure for export, import and transit of goods
4- Possibility of access to skilled & cheap workforce
5- facilities and installation of industrial and municipal infrastructure
6- Abadan International Airport.
7- Khorramshahr port with port facilities and equipment for containerized and non-containerized goods.
8- Facilities of dry port and Shalamcheh bordering market for exporting to Iraq.
9- Abadan Oil Refinery
10- Available infrastructures of rail and road network in the region and having the potential of expanding railway network.
11- Existence of country’s three main rivers in the region.
12- Capability of accepting immigrants and familiarity of people with other languages.
13- Possibility of expanding agriculture with reclamation of cultivable lands.