About Arvand Free Zone
Geographical location of Arvand Free Zone

Arvand Free Zone with an area of 37,400 hectares is in the northwest of the Persian Gulf, including the cities of Abadan, Khorramshahr and Minushahr (Minu Island). It is located at the confluence of Arvand and Karun rivers. The region is in the neighborhood of Iraq and Kuwait. Road, Rail, Marine and road transport capacities are of particular.
City of Abadan, a beautiful peninsula with the length of 46 km and width of 3 to 20 km and 110 km away from Ahvaz in the inlet of the Persian Gulf. Abadan city center is located between 30 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 48 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds east longitude from the Greenwich meridian and its height is 2 meters above sea level. The area of Abadan is 2063.1 square Km.
The city of Abadan is the most watered city in Khuzestan province because two rivers of Arvand and Bahmanshir flow through the city. Despite having the oil refinery, petrochemical factory and access to free waters, it has devotes itself a great place in the economy of the country. Establishing Commercial and industrial Free Zone of Arvand in Abadan and Khorramshahr has doubled the significance and impact of these two cities in the recent years.
Khorramshahr is located at the end of the southwestern part of Iran, in Khuzestan province of the Persian Gulf (30 degrees north and 48 degrees east) and has an area of 23 square kilometers. Khorramshahr has a special economic, commercial and political significance for its presence in the immediate vicinity of the Persian Gulf and Iraq. It is located at the distal end point of the province and its quays lies on the shores of Arvand River.
Arvand Weather
This area has a tropical climate. The average temperature in Abadan and Khorramshahr is about 25.4 degrees Celsius, indicating that there is a lot of heat due to sunlight and low latitudes. The amount of annual precipitation in Abadan is very low. Hot air and radiation causes’ water evaporation at Karun River level, and due to the flatness of the land, moisture from the evaporation is distributed throughout the area and is more humid compared to the northern cities of the area such as Ahvaz. Wind as climatic element has an important role in the environment. The main wind of the region is the northwest wind, which blows in all seasons, but is more intense in summer. The wind blows the dust into the area. Southeast winds or the eastern winds in summer and spring is the dominated wind of the region and due to this, the weather becomes warm and humid.
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