The AFZ’s Deputy for investment and business development said at the “CIFIT” China Fair for investment: Arvand Free Zone has huge capacities in the oil, gas and petrochemicals fields that can be an energy hub for Chinese investors.
According to AFZ’s public relations and international affairs report; Khazaei pointed to the 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China and its completion and said: In line with development of foreign relations and the expansion of foreign investment and having common interests according to the 25-year cooperation strategic agreement, Iran and China, can establish good cooperation at the macro level. And presence of free zones with investment packages at the CIFIT China Fair is considered a turning point.
Khazaei emphasized that AFZ is an important energy hub with huge oil, gas and petrochemical capacities and said: Arvand will be the best option for China’s investment because China is the largest energy consumer in the world.
He said: 16 oil fields in AFZ are operated by Arvand Oil and Gas Co, and have a high capacity in the production of downstream industries. So AFZ has a special advantage over other free zones with upstream and downstream industries and easy investment rules, which will be attractive to Chinese investors.
The 23rd China International Fair for Trade and Investment (CIFIT 2023) is being held in Xiamen from September 8 to 11, 2023 as the only event to encourage Chinese investment to facilitate joint ventures with other countries.
Arvand Free Zone is an energy hub for Chinese investors